The Naughty List by Jade West
Perfection! This is exactly what the author said it would be….cover to cover filth. Thank goodness. I loved this book. Left a 5 star review with Amazon. I could not put this book down.
See below for my mini review….

I loved that we get straight to the story. No long monologues about morals. I love that she kicked her ex to the curb and didn’t look back. I loved that she kept pushing her boundaries. I love that the author didn’t delve into the scary/horror stories that can happen to sex workers. No long winded discussions about protection or pregnancy scares. This was just filthy, low drama, and sooo dirty. You can just enjoy the ride. Only Jade West could have written a story like this and for that I am eternally grateful.
Jade West clearly has the makings of a series on her hands. So here is what I want…..
I want a book about Ella and Josh. How does their relationship work? Is there jealousy or friendly competition? I want Ella to finally become apart of the hardcorers. I want Ella to maintain some regulars. We must have Daddy return! The male couple she got along with (can’t remember their names). And period play… yes please! I want to see her relationship with Josh unfold (from nervous strangers to intense lovers). I want to know Josh’s kinks. I want Josh to ask her to move in with him and for her to tell him she’ll think about it. I want to see them give each other aftercare after a hard night’s work. I want Ella to meet Josh’s mom. I want Josh to fly to Australia to meet her parents. I want duel POV. I want to know how Josh handles his proposals. I want all the MM details! I want all the bi details. I want them to hang out with their friends (Ebony and Tiff/Creamgirl). I want Ella and Tiff to do a proposal together. I want to know if Josh would want to do a proposal with Ella (like an orgy). I DO NOT want them to have any deep soul searching relationship drama. Just wonder if the other person is ready to take the next step. I want it to end with Ella moving in with Josh and her parents coming to visit.
And lastly, I want the book to be titled “Naughty Together”.
Of course, I want books about Ebony and Tiff. I want to know how Eb balances marriage and mom life. And I want Tiff to find love in the most unexpected place (MFM or MMMF).